First, the giveaways when you walk through the gate are always a kid favorite. This year they all got baseball banks. The after game activities are a hit as well. Sometimes fireworks, sometimes running the bases with the players, this year we got in on the quarter search. $250 of quarters were spread on the infield and kids were let in to search and keep whatever quarters they found. That was a hoot. I helped Peter and every time we found a quarter he wanted to give it to the little girl looking next to us.
Ballpark food! No explanation needed. If you have hungry teenagers the 9 game pack is a must. It includes a game ticket for 9 different games and unlimited free food (brats, hot dogs, hamburgers, grilled chicken breast, potato chips and soda) at each game. However, the tickets can be traded in for any game. So what we do is buy one 9 game pack and trade in all the tickets for one game. When we go everyone gets free food and soda. It works well for us. Besides the giveaways and food, the baseball is great to watch and where ever your seat, it's always close enough to see everything, even what's going on in the dugout.
Hanging out with big brothers .
And bonding with our Japanese exchange student.
And bonding with your host little sister.
And hanging with friends.
And if the Zooperstars are in the house, consider yourself lucky. Lot's of laughs.
Especially if they try to eat your hat, which is what happened to Sam.
The Northwoods League has teams throughout Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa and even in Ontario, Canada. Only a couple of weeks left in the season. For a list of teams and websites click here.
These games are a real BALL!