HOMESCHOOLING, HOMEMAKING & HOMESTEADING with a nod to Down syndrome awareness, cranberries, and large family Catholic life

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Science and Scripture
Just yesterday we started the CHC science book, Behold and See. One of the first things to read is scripture from Wisdom. Then a little bit of intro and then more scripture from Romans. Having a Bachelor's degree in Biology with an emphasis is education, I don't remember one time that a teacher ever introduced science using scripture, nor have I ever used scripture to teach science.....until yesterday. Who knew it could be done? The premise in the book is that if you can see the beauty and understand the workings of science, then you will understand God as the creator of all. My husband, an avid outdoorsman (hunter, trapper, fisherman) could of told you that years ago. He has always said that a good evening in the tree stand doesn't always end with a deer to register; part of the fun is being in nature, being quiet, being observant of
your surroundings. It's hard not to be spiritual when surrounded by all the beauty of the woods or water. So after just a couple of pages, we delved head first into the Scientific Method. Our questions was: Do cranberries float? Even though we already knew the answer it was an easy way to follow the steps of the Scientific Method without actually having to do any experiments. Though, they did ask when we were going to do more experiments from 101 Cool Science Experiments by Glen Singleton. My response, "Let's just get through harvest, first."

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Science and Scripture
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