HOMESCHOOLING, HOMEMAKING & HOMESTEADING with a nod to Down syndrome awareness, cranberries, and large family Catholic life

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Discount Shopping
Happy Shopping!!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
One of My Favorites
Deer Hunting
See these men, it's 5:30 am and they seem happy to have their picture taken. We all know if I was taking pictures of women at this early time they would be hiding their faces, holding their jacket in front of them or turning away, anything to stay anonymous.
We spent our day at music lessons, Christmas shopping (looking) and ice skating.
Getting in on the hunting fun, too.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thanksgiving Curricula
We divided her poster into fourths. On the top left is a drawing of the Mayflower. Do you notice the perspective line? My knowledge of art is improving, thanks to Art Projects For Kids. The explanations there are really helping me to be a better art teacher for my kids. Top right are her drawings of a pilgrim and indian. She struggled with this quite a bit. She was so frustrated with trying to get the right proportion for her pilgrim woman that Lee offered lots of help with the indian. In the bottom left quadrant she searched through magazines looking for traditional Thanksgiving dinner foods and in the bottom right is a tracing of the lower 48 states with Plymouth labeled.
We have plans to make a Thanksgiving garland of some sort tomorrow. I'm thinking we'll cut out leaves from construction paper and then string them along a length of twine. Each night at dinner we'll all write something we are thankful for on a leaf. We'll do this through the month of November. I have a couple more ideas on celebrating Thanksgiving but those'll have to wait; I'm feeling a little under the weather today and best be getting to bed.
What She Won't Be When She Grows Up

Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Little R 'n R
The snow has since melted, all except the snowman and lounge chair they made. Although early for a Saturday morning, it was beautiful. I wish I had captured the white glistening on the bare trees.
Friday, November 7, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Distracted by Candy
Me: A dime is worth 10 cents. A penny is worth 1 cent. 10 pennies is 10 cents, so 10 pennies is the same as 1 dime.
Lou: ok (her eyes were a little hazy)
Me: If you went to a store to buy a piece of candy and it cost 10 cents you could give the clerk....
Lou: How big is the piece of candy?
Me: Big! So you could give the clerk 10 pennies or....
Lou: Like a giant candy bar?
Me: Yes. 10 pennies is the same as 1 dime. You could pay with either....
Lou: Does Wal-mart have 10 cent candy?
Me: Probably not! Now listen. You could pay with either 10 pennies or 1 dime because it's....
Lou: I have 10 cents; I can buy candy.
It's official, Math is now over.