


Monday, September 21, 2015

Cranberry Harvest....and so it begins

We just began our HyRed harvest.  HyReds are a variety of cranberries that color early, therefore we get a head start on the harvest with this variety.  I'm going to be sharing lots of information on cranberry harvest, cranberry recipes, and the fun and woes of cranberry harvest.  Stay tuned over the next month for more, lots more.  

This is the old style of cranberry harvesting using a hand rake.  This is back breaking work if done all day so Warren only rakes a box or so this way.  I can't imagine the harvesters of yesteryear doing this all day usually earning a few cents for each box filled.  As you can see the cranberries are in water for harvesting, but they do not grow in water.  Throughout the year the cranberry beds are basically dry, except during irrigation.  I guess I'm getting ahead of myself.  I'll be sharing more about this and some pictures later this week.