


Monday, February 20, 2017

Calming Clipper Review

We're in the bedroom.  Joseph is struggling to get free; I'm laying on him, holding his arms to his side.  Warren's armed with the hair cutting scissors.  Joe's screaming, I'm sweating, Warren's frustrated.  Cutting Joseph's hair is akin to bathing a cat.  Catch my drift?  It's not something you want to get involved with.  This stellar parenting moment happened about 3 years ago.  

He's calmed down a bit.  No more full contact on the bed haircuts.  In the summer we set him on the 4-wheeler and nearly grizz him bald.  One haircut = One entire summer season.  It's not easy - there's a lot of yelling and crying and flailing of arms, but we get it done.  For the rest of year, we're in the kitchen on a stool toggling between the clipper and shears, singing, dancing, promising treats, anything to get him to sit still and accept the haircut.  It's been a difficult road to say the least.  He hates the buzz of the clipper and moves so much that it's nearly impossible to use scissors without at least one nick.

Getting a haircut can be a traumatic experience for children.  And children with special needs often have sensory sensitivities making it even more traumatic.

I first saw Calming Clipper on Facebook.  They graciously offered to send me my very own set in exchange for an honest review.  I've actually had the Calming Clipper since last June and have used it many times.  I finally took the time to take pictures.


Quality of Product is excellent.  The scissors are super sharp with a rounded tip and the finger grips can be removed for larger fingers.  Changing out the length guards is super simple and quick.  

These scissors are like the clippers for those off the grid - no electricity required.  Hence, they are quiet and do not vibrate.  That's what makes them calming.

I use the longest guard to remove the bulk.  Just cut, cut away.

I like to give Joe lots of praise.  This is amazing - if I were using a traditional clipper, he'd be screaming and I'd be stifling my screams.  Even so, I still take short breaks and wipe his face with a cool washcloth to remove bothersome, little hairs.

Slipping in a shorter guard, I work up the back removing more bulk, working towards my desired length.

That smile.  He actually seems to be enjoying this or maybe it's the camera.  He loves mugging for the camera.

Just being silly!

Now, I've moved to the shortest guard.  I make quick snips, checking both sides for evenness.  I'm no pro, it takes me plenty of time, but Joe's remaining calm.

See the red marks on Joe's neck?  He has such sensitive skin; the electric clipper does a real number on his skin, but the Calming Clipper is gentle, leaving only small, light red marks.
 My handsome young man - all clipped up and very calm.

Thank you Calming Clipper for providing me with a simple solution to calming our nightmare haircuts.

Note:  This was my 6th or 7th time using the Calming Clipper.  My first haircuts didn't turn out this nice; it definitely takes practice.  With each haircut my confidence increases and the time decreases.

More tips for working with your special needs child at home.

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This is definitely something I'm going to look into here in New Zealand to see if there is a local stockist. I have three smaller boys who "grin and bear" a buzzer cut, even my two year old with DS is okay (sort of - with a movie and lolly bribes). But they all have a hard job not shrugging up their shoulders and wiggling because it tickles. Plus it's a haphazard job on my part and a bit of good luck if it turns out looking good. If it doesn't, it becomes a VERY SHORT haircut!
Great job Jennifer - Joseph looks very handsome. Such a sweet smile.
1 reply · active 421 weeks ago
Thanks, Jodie.  I believe it's only available through Amazon � �http://amzn.to/2kUcqwR, but you can check their website.

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