Kids woke at around 6:00 a.m. and played in living room until they couldn't stand each other any longer.
DH and I got up around 7:00 a.m. and did the usual. Made coffee and blueberry tea, started a load of laundry, put away clean dishes in dishwasher, fed the children cereal and toast, dressed, primped, fed the dog (who is now inside due to extreme cold), started a wood fire, checked the thermometer.
Kids did their morning routine. Lou claimed to be feeling sick, so she laid on the couch for awhile instead of doing her morning routine. She ended up doing it later before she could have a snack.
I made a few calls about a computer class I was interested in, ended up not being what I wanted. DH started in on desk work, since it's -20 F and he's still on light duty from his December surgery.
Around 8:15 a.m. Grace started in on her seat work, map skills and spelling list practice. I dressed the little guy, lit a fire under Lou and gave Lee his spelling test. 15/15!
9:00 a.m. Lee finished up his seat work, map skills and reading silently. I gave Grace her spelling test, 10/15 today.
Peanut butter on crackers for a snack. Grace and Lee did Saxon 3 Math, which included multiplying by 2's and eating crackers in the process. Lou did a page from her CHC numbers book and then played horses and American Girl Dolls with Ray.
Grace read two stories to Lou and Ray when she finished with math. I read over the CHC Behold and See 3 section on friction. Together we all tested different blankets from the living room floor (fake fur, berber fleece, satin, microfiber, nylon shell of sleeping bag). Grace wrote the answers.
Lee and Ray played dinosaurs while I made lunch. We ate a little early today, 12:10 p.m. we sat down. Chili, shredded cheese, sour cream, bread, crackers, butter, cottage cheese, applesauce, milk, corn chips.
Ray went down for a nap. I drove Grace down to grandpa's to vacuum, sweep and wash his floors. I checked emails and made a blog post. Lee went outside to cut wood with his hatchet. Lou played in her room.
Grandpa brought Grace home. Since school was cancelled we picked up one of her friends for the afternoon. They had a tea party, played dress-up, played SET (card game). Everyone played well together. Lee played with his race track with Ray when he woke up. I read 3 chapters in A Thousand Tomorrows by Karen Kingsbury, chatted with DH.
Around 4:30 I started making supper, blueberry pancakes, syrup, canned pears, sausage links, milk and juice. The kids went back downstairs to play hide and seek and ping pong. DH and I cleaned kitchen, he painted, I blogged.
It's 6:12 p.m. and time to change a diaper, take Grace's friend home and then do a lesson with Lee for his First Reconciliation (coming up this next weekend).
Hopefully DH and I will watch a rented movie tonight and then get in bed by 9:45 p.m.
HOMESCHOOLING, HOMEMAKING & HOMESTEADING with a nod to Down syndrome awareness, cranberries, and large family Catholic life

Monday, February 5, 2007
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