Large white lichen on a tree stump
Canadian geese breaking their way through the slushy ice
Bald Eagle flying overhead
Bright green moss on a Birch tree stump
Mole tunnels
Heard our first Spring Peepers
Feather - white with dark gray stripes
He also carried dad's BB gun and I wedged an oak leaf into the bark of a tree for him to shoot off. Second shot and it was down. Last year we took part in a Nature Club and look forward to starting that up now that nicer weather is here.
Other nature highlights from the last few days:
*Emily and I heard the Loon early Friday morning on our run. All the ponds were still covered in ice - Good Luck!
*We got a lot of rain Saturday night which helped the grass green up. Quite an amazing sight - you go to bed and the yard still looks mostly dead and wake up to green grass. That was a pleasant surprise.
*Sunday's 80 degree temps really rotted the ice nicely and now today the entire pond is a sea of ripples.
The garden seeds are ordered, rose bushes pruned, leaning apple tree staked and garden gloves all washed and ready for a new season. And I can't wait.