HOMESCHOOLING, HOMEMAKING & HOMESTEADING with a nod to Down syndrome awareness, cranberries, and large family Catholic life

Saturday, February 25, 2006
Time Flies When You're Having Fun
It's been a while since I posted, but that doesn't mean there's been nothing to write. The reason is that we've been in a whilwind of activity. Last weekend it was so cold, we were waking up to -30 degrees. We holed up in the house for the most part, except Sunday. We went to church and then DH took off like a space shuttle for the rest of the day. He took Grace and Lee to a friends for a rollerskating birthday party and then headed to the theater with Lou to see Curious George; he picked up the others, encountered a brief choking/throwing up moment with Grace and then it was off to swimming lessons for Grace and Lee. I, however, spent a pretty much quiet day at home with Lee. Our week was changed up a bit due to Lou's dance teacher beinig on vacation. Tuesday we ended up leaving early for the library, to beat the 10:00 toddler rush. Dance was after that. We started a new unit on Force and Energy. Read a Let's Read and Find Out book and then did some matchbox car experiments. We spent a day with my mom just hanging out and another day had Kattie, Brian, Marian and Matthew over. Daddy Lee has been sanding the cranberry beds. He got #1, #2, and part of #3 done. Last night we stayed we too late at Peaslee's playing cards. Today more company.
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Time Flies When You're Having Fun
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