We're still reading the Little House books; we're on to The Long Winter. I introduced the idea of westward expansion and we've been having fun with that. We read a book about the Erie canal and followed its path on a map. Today we read jokes to each other from Westward Ho, Ho, Ho.
What does Santa say after he's finished the east coast? Westward ho, ho, ho!
It's amazing how much you can learn about word usage from reading jokes. Many of the words have two meanings and so we took some time to discuss the difference between, for example, stake and steak. Why did the cowboy protect his frying pan? Because he had a steak in it.
In the category of outdoor play: Grace and Lee are building a flower bed and waterfall in their little woods. It's been raining all day, but that doesn't stop them. Lee has been learning the intracacies of rechargeable batteries, not to mention the incredible amount of patience it takes to charge 4 AA batteries (16 hours). They are sailing the boats now that it stopped raining. Lou and Ray are watching a puppy dog movie. Lou likes to check these animal movies out from the library.
Also of note this week: We are planning Grace's First Holy Communion party. We'll have about 30 guests and enough food for 60. She is so excited; we are planning on going to adoration this week and then confession on Saturday evening.
HOMESCHOOLING, HOMEMAKING & HOMESTEADING with a nod to Down syndrome awareness, cranberries, and large family Catholic life

Monday, May 1, 2006
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