I've been adding links to our history basket
(in the side bar) so you might have guessed we are studying Ancient World History, time period 800-560 BC. Each week we tackle approximately another 100 years. Last week we studied the Phoenicians using the Story of the World text and activity book. We tried our hand at making purple dye using the cabbage method, which worked well, but then when we dyed our Rigatoni (for use in noodle necklaces and bracelets) the noodles turned soft and black and never dried quite right. The project kept our hands busy, but there was no end product to speak of.
Food is always good and relating it to history is even better. So we made the Phoenician Bread.

Lee mixed up the dough which was quite stiff.

Time to knead.

And knead.

And knead.

And knead. Let's just say the dough had plenty of kneading.

Grace patted the dough into circles.
Lou shows off 3 of the 10 rounds made.
For eating we spread the bread with butter and sprinkled cinnamon sugar. I drizzled on a little honey, too.

And there you have it, us making our daily bread.