HOMESCHOOLING, HOMEMAKING & HOMESTEADING with a nod to Down syndrome awareness, cranberries, and large family Catholic life

Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Few Completed Quilt Projects
Tuesday Movie Night
My rating - cute flick
DH and I watched Fireproof a couple weeks ago. Great movie! Read a well written summary and thoughtful review here.
I'm also watching the 5 part series, God or the Girl. Tonight DH and I will watch the last episode and finally find out who takes the cloth and who doesn't. With Lent upon us the word sacrifice has found its way into many of our conversations and I feel it would be fitting to watch the episode where Dan builds and carries the cross for 20 miles. He is reminded with every step to look to God and not himself for the strength to continue. Perfect for Lent.
The Shoe is on the Other Foot

Boys and Quantities
I can't say the same about boys. I am not from the male community; I don't try to pretend to be and quite honestly I don't always understand the way they think, act, play, fight...... basically anything; I just don't quite get them, although I try very hard. I once read Bringing Up Boys and found it to be a good read. Maybe I should pull that off the shelf again. Anyway this week I had a couple of quick exchanges with Lee (10) reinforcing my misunderstanding of boys.
One morning around 9:30 he grumbled about having had a small breakfast, being hungry and having to wait until 10:15 for a snack. I wondered aloud how he could be hungry when he just ate around 7:00. He shot back with, "I only had time for six bowls of cereal because I have so many morning jobs to get done before school starts and I need time to play, too!" Can the words only and six bowls be used in the same sentence?
As Lee was heading in to take a shower I mentioned to him that a bottle of men's hair and body wash was in the shower and that he should start using it. He said he'd been using it a lot already and thought it smelled really good. I examined the bottle while I was showering and noticed that about 1/4 inch was used up and it's been in the shower for at least a month.
Boys and Quantities
small breakfast = 6 bowls of cereal
a lot of soap = approx. 1 Tbsp. per month
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Friday, February 13, 2009
How To Get Rid of Your Brother
Lou: NO!
Ray: I want to be a veterinarian, too.
Lou: NO! You pretend to be a lost dog.
Ray: Yeah.
Lou: Now go get lost.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
6 Months Already
At 1 month he literally slept all the time and always with one eye open. Those were trying, worrisome days. Would he ever grow?
And then came the heart meds. He nursed and still slept a lot and grew a tiny bit.
At 3 months he was stable enough to take on vacation. He was nursing well and growing a little. With his heart condition his growth was slow.
At 4 months came the heart surgery. Here he proudly wears his Children's Hospital of Wisconsin t-shirt. His feet were finally pink and not purple.
I remember this day well. It was late, I was tired and oh my! he's 5 months old and it's time for another picture. And of course the low battery light was flashing. Life had been pretty blurry at this point. We were just 4 weeks post surgery and trying so hard to get back in the swing of school work after the week off for surgery and then Christmas, New Year's and illness.
Today he's 6 months old. I think he's made the most progress this last month. He holds his head up and can sit upright with support (lots of it). He even wears big boy clothes. Don't you just love overalls?
Happy half birthday Little J
We love you
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
All Things Love and Hearts
Today we spent time working through the heart unit from this book, which I've had for a while and this week it seemed fitting to study the heart. After chemistry, which is on hold this week, we'll jump into more human body studies.

Monday, February 9, 2009
The Kids Speak Out
Me: So, is this a good movie? What's it about?
Lee: It's AWESOME! I don't think you'd get it, Mom.
(while sweeping the kitchen floor)
Lou: I like having these new suppertime chores.
Me: Really? Why's that?
Lou: You know when you're barefoot in the morning it feels so gross to walk on the kitchen floor...all the crumbs and sand. Now that I've been sweeping every night the floor feels so smooth...I like that.
(after a morning of changed up school plans)
Grace: So when do you plan on us doing schoolwork?
Me: (dumbfounded)I thought we were doing school.
Grace: (accusatory)You and dad are always harping about education and how important it is and then we spend an entire morning painting, watching Redpolls, reading about St. Valentine, memorizing Valentine poetry! Where's the math and spelling and awful grammar? I don't feel like I learned a thing today.
(while coloring with a four year old)
Me: What color should I color the horse?
Ray: DEAD!
Me: What color for the bananas?
Me: What color should the house be?