HOMESCHOOLING, HOMEMAKING & HOMESTEADING with a nod to Down syndrome awareness, cranberries, and large family Catholic life

Monday, October 22, 2007
How is Your Prayer Life?
I read the couple of paragraphs and the question, How is Your Prayer Life? My instant response was, "lacking". My mind immediately thought about Adoration, Daily Devotions, Daily Scripture readings, and all the other forms of structured prayer and found myself believing my prayer life was lacking. But as father unfolded his homily and gave me some food for thought, I recognized my prayer life is not lacking. It is just about right for a homeschooling mother of four. Prayer doesn't only happen when the eyes are closed or focused on words. Actions can be a form of prayer. Laundry is a time of thankfulness that we have abundant clothing and towels. We only have towels because we have water. Meal prep is a time to pray in thanksgiving for our abundant food blessings and electricity. While reading with my 6 year old, I thank God for the blessing of fertility and for me having teachers who taught me to read so long ago. As DH walks out the door at 6:00 am to begin the daily work of cranberry harvest, I pray thy will be done, God. What, for a moment, appeared to be a life lacking in prayer was discovered to be a life filled with prayer. Sure there is plenty of room for improvement. I would like to pray the rosary on a regular basis; I would like to pray a memorized morning offering each time my feet hit the floor in the morning. Both of these, once habits, will be easily incorporated into my daily living, just as my one-liner prayers are now. And when I'm just too tired or too emotionally drained or too something I can dip my finger in the holy water and bless myself and whoever is closest for the simplest form of prayer of all.
Breakfast Compliments
Me: Thanks. Lee, you are just too good to me.
(five minutes later)
Lee: Awesome banana, mom! (pause and then a smirk) You sure know how to buy the best bananas.
See what kind of wit and sarcasm I have to put up with around here.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Nature Notes
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Pictures and a Recipe Link
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Truth Hurts
Ray: (running and then jumping over a pile) Mom, me won't step in your pile of rumbs (crumbs).
Me: What pile? I haven't even started sweeping, but I guess I better start with that.
The truth is I've neglected my kitchen floor and porch floor and carpeting under dining room table and probably the bathroom floors as well. And now it hurts, because I'd rather be reading blogs and news and my recent magazines, but I'm off to detail the floors, as many as I can before we head to violin.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Total Package

Truthful Toddler
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Early Preparations
Me: Lou, what are you doing? You are supposed to be brushing your teeth.
Lou: In a minute, mom, I'm counting my money for vetrinary college.
How could I argue with that? At least she has a plan.
Wisconsin Crop Estimate
Friday, October 12, 2007
Today's Photo
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
In Denial
Cranberry Harvesters in Action...
Grace with a full rake, heading for the drying boxes.
I didn't just take pictures, I got in on the work as well.
And now for a couple of books related to cranberries.
Cranberries: Fruit of the Bogs - we've checked this book out from the libary, lots of nice photos explaining cranberries and cranberry harvest
Very Cranberry - a nice little book of recipes using fresh and dried cranberries
Cranberry Autumn - this is one in a series of "Cranberry" books, others include Valentine, Birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas and more
Cranmoor: The Cranberry Eldorado - history of Wisconsin cranberry farming for adults or very interested teens (scroll down almost to the bottom if using the link)

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Phoenician Bread
And knead. Let's just say the dough had plenty of kneading.
Lou shows off 3 of the 10 rounds made.
For eating we spread the bread with butter and sprinkled cinnamon sugar. I drizzled on a little honey, too.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Happy Autumn
edible rubies
Harvest Time
Stay tuned for more recipes and photos of cranberry harvest '07.
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Weekend in Numbers
2 beautiful wall lamps installed by DH so we can read in the evening together in the same room
3 giant leaf piles in the dark
4 happy hunters (3 kids and 1 dad)
5 card games of Spoons on Friday night
7 new friends for Lee to play with (all siblings)
8 bags of sliced apples in the freezer - just waiting to be made into apple crisp
11 elk steaks for Sunday supper
12 trap stakes cut
14 quarts of applesauce canned
27 autumn colored leaves collected