Last week Thursday morning we woke to -22 F. Did you catch the minus sign? It was 22 below 0 and it dropped even lower to 28 below just before sunrise. It was a cold week to say the least. So here in Wisconsin we have lots of tricks up our sleeves to help us cope. Last week every trick was played. The craziest thing though is that by Sunday afternoon we had 54 F. That calculates into an 80 degree warm up in three days. We're having a spring tease until Friday when it's slated to turn colder due to winds from the North again.
Coping Technique #1 - Celebrate feast days by making gooey, sugary, marshmallowy treats.
Feb. 11 was the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. We constructed a Fruity Pebbles grotto in her honor.
Coping Technique #2 - Bake bread....from scratch
Coping Technique #3 - Quilt - I finished this sunny quilt on one of the gloomiest days of the year. I love seeing it on the dining table. Its bright colors lift my spirit.
Coping Technique #4 - Cuddle up in a real fur blanket waiting for the cold snap to pass.

Coping Technique #5 - Head outside for a little Sunday afternoon snowshoeing, with a gun of course.
Your quilt is beautiful, your grotto yummy, your baby in fur adorable and your boy with a gun looks just like mine! How's that for a first time vist/comment on your blog? I'm visiting from Catholic Mother's Online. I tried to follow, but I don't have facebook. I'm going to follow you through blogger/google. Come by for a visit and return the favor.