Two weeks ago Emily's friend asked her to take the plunge for Special Olympics. She jumped at the idea and started raising funds. Together these girls raised $547. Isn't that incredible? Here they're being interviewed as they prepare for the jump.

Just seconds before the big plunge they take a breath and prepare as best they can (which is not at all) for the cold that's about to engulf them.
Just seconds before the big plunge they take a breath and prepare as best they can (which is not at all) for the cold that's about to engulf them.
Just as they jumped an event photographer stepped in front of me and I couldn't get a good pic of the actual jump. Of course they planned that so I would buy two 4x6 photos for $8. Below you see them as they grabbed their towel and headed on up the hill to the HOT TUBS.
Enjoying the warmth. Although they both agreed that this is definitely an annual event and the water wasn't as cold as they expected.