HOMESCHOOLING, HOMEMAKING & HOMESTEADING with a nod to Down syndrome awareness, cranberries, and large family Catholic life

Monday, April 30, 2007
Cute Words Heard.....
Grace - sigh This was such a good day.
Lee - That there is what I call catching and not fishing.
Lou - hmmm I just wish everything in my tackle box was pink like my crappie nibbles.
Ray - bite? bite, mama? (not yet, just watch your bobber).....bite? bite, bite mama?
Fishing for Fun
- Vanilla - dad, Ray, Lou
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup - Grace, mom
- Blue Moon - Lee
In the evening we all took our poles out to the reservoir to do some more fishing. And fish we caught. Within seconds of casting DH caught a crappie. Then it was Lee with a crappie. I ran back in to get the camera, since the action was good; I could hardly keep up with baiting Lou and Ray's poles, taking pictures, untwisting lines. My head was spinning from all the, look mom's.
There's the whole gang. It was getting dark before we headed in. DH had to clean fish by the light of the patio. We kept 5 crappies, 5 perch and 1 bluegill. Tonight's supper - fish fry, yum! I did get a couple moments to snap pictures of other things I found interesting. Enjoy.
The ripples are in the sand, created by the wind blowing all day.
The killdeer nest. It's a ground nest that gets a lot of disturbances. She had four eggs, then two were missing for awhile. Now she's back up to five.
The catkins in the foreground are from a birch tree. The flowering tree in the background is a service berry.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
(Notice the patches on top of patches, far left jeans)
(Notice I haven't fixed the camera date stamp, yet)
While ironing on patches, I got to thinking, this is a whole lot like sin and confession. Sin starts small - a judgement here, a gossip there. It happens so easily, so unnoticed. After months of this behavior the sin can't be laundered and ignored anymore. It needs a serious patch. The kind of patch where you check the bulletin to see what time confessions are heard, you write it on the fridge calendar in red ink, you plan all week making sure nothing gets in the way of 4:00 p.m. Saturday. There's the usual preparations, examining your conscience, maybe even writing a few things down (if I'm going to confession, might as well make it a good one). The patch, well it's not something you can buy at Wal-mart. God, with his Fatherly love for us, wraps his arms around me and squeezes. I've been patched. My sins have been forgiven. Although, it's not over yet; I still have to put away that iron and ironing board. Penance will give me the chance to make wrongs right, the chance to be aware of the grace offered by the patch, the chance to allow myself to play hard again. My holes are patched; I'm like new again. Praise be to God!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Worldly Kids

Friday, April 27, 2007
Today's Details
-normal morning routine, including checking traps for Grace and Lee
-Saxon Math with Grace and Lee
-Lou and Ray "cooked" with Play-doh
-Grace and Ray did spelling and did their Friday spelling test
-I loaded and ran dishwasher, did laundry and checked emails during any free second
-Grace and Lee wrote and illustrated in journals; I edited; they corrected
-walked to the mailbox and here is what we saw/did
Lou found two pieces of dried bone
We talked about all the trees we saw, I used words such as conifers, deciduous, pine, spruce
Everyone pointed out differences they saw in various trees
We used the tree key to correctly identify white pine and red pine
Skipped about 30 flat sandstone rocks
Watched one goose fly overhead
Lee checked on his secret spot
Grace climbed a tree
We got to the mailbox too late to mail our letters, but did get fun mail none the less
-Made lunch, leftover brat patties, leftover pork chops and sauerkraut, bread, carrot sticks, cheese curds
-Ray napped
-I read a few blogs
-Grace and Lee went with dad to check out a cousin's new home
-I had a tea party with Lou (Felicity style, "Thank you I shall take no tea")
-Waited for the neighbor (2 miles as the crow flies) to bring back our dog
-Called a friend and placed an order for a kitten (Arrival: mid-June)
-Ray woke up, Lou and Ray played with marbles
-I blogged (and it's only 4:00 p.m.)(Sorry for the choppy style, blogger won't let me get rid of the haphazard double spacing)
Bird Sightings Update
Latest sightings:
Farm chickens (I see them from my kitchen window everyday)
Wild Turkey (alive and dead)
Black-capped chickadee
Northern water thrush
Arbor Day
Our plan for the day is to take a walk around the yard and then head for the woods. We'll look at the bark, the shape, the new buds, the placement of buds on the twig. Of course, I'll take along A Key to the Woody Plants of Minnesota by Brother Charles Severin, FSC. Yes, I live in Wisconsin, but this book works well for the entire Northern Midwest. We will use this book to key out trees we do not know. If you are unfamiliar with dichotomous keys check out this website. Basically a dichotomous key gives you two options for characteristics. You look at the specimen, decide which option is true and then go to the next set of characteristics. Each time you get closer and closer to the actual name of the specimen (tree in this case).
For example:
1 leaves less than 5 mm wide -go to number 2
1 leaves more than 5 mm wide -go to number 22
The weather forecast calls for a high of 65 and partly sunny. Looks like a great day to get outside observing trees.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Math Help
Laundry Pleasures

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
A Day with Friends
It's A Pizza Party
Being a hunting, chicken raising, country family, we encounter both sides of nature. On a warm spring morning we crank open the kitchen window and listen to a large array of birds singing "good morning" to us. We watch the bald eagles fly overhead. We hear the spring peepers calling loudly on warm spring evenings. We also thank God for the meat provided to us by the hunted deer. We thank God when our chickens make it to the six pound mark; butchering time is near. We watch as that beautiful eagle swoops down to grab its prey.
Back to the movie; I thought the cinematography was stunning. The details of the penguin mating season were unbelievable. How cool is it that the male and female penguins meet up on the same day, sometimes in the same hour at the same place year after year. Not for just the past 10 years, but for the past thousands of years. How beautiful is the courtship. How undeniably awesome are the sacrifices each in the pair make to ensure survival of their baby. I came away from the movie with renewed splendor in how awesome our God is and how perfectly He created all of nature.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
St. Joseph's Feast Day

Birds We've Seen....
Red-winged blackbirds
Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal
Chipping Sparrow
Blue Jay
Red-breasted robbin
Canadian geese
Sandhill cranes
Great blue heron
Swallows (kind?)
Mallard ducks
The Bad, The Good
THE GOOD - The ground is warming, definitely a sign of spring.
THE BAD - I made a terrible vegetable cheese soup for supper.
THE GOOD - We all had room for an ice cream cone.
THE GOOD - DH has the sprinklers all up and running for the growing season.
THE BAD - Frost watch is looming over his head. Tonight's low: 40 F (no frost watch)
THE GOOD - Ray played happily with scissors, paper and two markers while I did math with Grace and Lee.
THE BAD - Yellow snippets of paper are strewn about the house.
THE GOOD - Several species of birds are visiting the bird feeder, making nature study so easy.
THE BAD - I can not keep the feeder filled.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Looking Forward To
- Monday morning when I can check my traps.
- Monday at noon because grandpa said I could come down and sweep his garage.
- Wednesday afternoon because Uncle Dan said I could shoot his 410 shotgun.
Reminder to myself: Look forward to the simple life.
Today at Church
(when told to or know you need to do something important) it by the
end of the week or before you die, whichever comes first
He went on to talk about the now in our life. Yesterday happened. Tomorrow is the future, which you have no idea if it will come. The now is what is important. Make the most of it. Do now the things of importance. The now is the time when we can make a difference.
Hail Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of
our death. Amen.
What am I doing now? Is it important? Is it holy? If tomorrow never comes will it have made a difference? Just food for thought. I'm still thinking about the sermon.
When Was the Last Time I..........
1. kissed someone? Just as I tucked in my kids for bed I kissed each one of them and they kissed back
2. drank coffee? Probably two months ago. I have to be in the right mood and very cold. With wood heat I am rarely cold enough inside to want to drink hot drinks.
3. read a book? Currently I am reading the Elm Creek Quilts Sampler by Jennifer Chiaverini. I also read a board book version of I Spy to Ray earlier today.
4. cursed? In my mind probably a couple of times today. I don't let them slip out very often.
5. had a nightmare? Just Friday night. We caught a wolf in a large cage type trap and didn't know what to do because a bus load of kids and two priests were due to our farm in just a couple of minutes. Then I woke up.
6. checked your email? Just a few minutes ago.
7. had a crush? I've been crushing on my husband since I first saw him, September 6, 1995 at 6:00 a.m. in the parking lot of our alma mater.
8. drove a car? I drove to my grandparents today for a visit. DH drove us all home.
9. rode a roller coaster? About 15 years ago.
10. took a nap? Everyday for 11 days when I was sick with the campylobacter infection. It started on Holy Thursday and ended 11 days later.
11. went to the movies? DH and I saw Wild Hogs just about a month ago.
12. drank alcohol? I drank white wine with my honey one evening about a month ago.
13. went to a party? Just last night. My dear friend turned 40 so a group of us girls went out for dinner. Dinner lasted 3 entire hours. We had a blast.
14. said “I love you?" About a 1/2 hours ago when I tucked in the kids.
15. cooked a meal? Saturday morning breakfast was fried eggs and pancakes.
16. exercised? Yesterday Lou and Ray and I went for a bike ride. It was the first of the year for me.
I tag anyone reading this. Leave your blog address in the comments so I can link to you.
Friday, April 20, 2007
This Is My Father's World
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Last Day of Gym Class
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Sun Made All the Difference
Between the five of us there were walkers, bikers, rollerbladers and stroller riders. We made our way to the mailbox; the cold breeze off the reservoir made my arm hairs stand up, but once we hit the blacktop the heat radiating from it warmed us from the feet up. And the sun beating down on the blacktop warmed us from the head down. The trees all around gave a reprieve from the wind. Ray and I strolled along looking for exciting bits of nature. Through the eyes of a 2 1/2 year old everything is exciting. The dry, crunchy oak leaves were so special that we each had to collect a handful. The orange white pine needles being held hostage by the grass alongside the road had to be "raked" out onto the road so we could see how long the pine needles were. The dead log floating in the ditch water, well we just had to stop and gaze for awhile.
Lee did point out a millipede, which was extremely exciting. Last summer we searched under rotting logs and decaying leaves for a week hoping to find a millipede. Other cool things did turn up but no millipedes. Today we watched the millipede; the highlight was putting sticks and pine needles in its way and watching as it effortlessly moved over each item. As it made its way back to the grassy roadside we continued on for home singing and smiling and holding hands and loving every moment in the sun.
Weather forecast is a little bit warmer each day until Sunday when it just might storm. God is good!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Of course, the moment I noticed her legs she noticed me noticing and turned beet red. I called her aside and her first words to me were not, "I'm sorry" but this:
After you talk about my punishment with dad will you just write it out on paper what I can't do and for how long and put it on my desk. Of course my answer was no we will talk about this in person. The biggest problem in my eyes is the fact that she thought she needed to go behind my back to do something that "everybody else is doing". Where is her loyalty to our family and its rules? Where is her character? Where is her ability to be the fish swimming against the current? doing what is right despite the group?
The consequences will make her life unbearable for a while. Well, she'll think it's unbearable and I'll know it could be much worse. She'll have to deal with the hair growing back, possibly darker than the "clear blonde" it was in the first place. We'll all survive this first of hopefully not too many growing pains.
Honey Picante Burritos
1/4 c. honey
2 T. spicy brown mustard
2 T. Worstershire sauce
1/2 t. minced garlic (the kind in a jar is easy)
1/4 t. cumin
2 c. diced cooked turkey (16 oz. pkg of Farmland cubed turkey breast)
Mix all ingredients and simmer until hot. Serve on pita bread, tortillas, hard shells or just over rice. We like to add lettuce, cheese, black olives and sour cream. The combination of ingredients makes this a sweet and spicy, YUMMY entree.
Serve with: rice, fruit and milk to drink
It's easy and we all like it!
It's what's for dinner.
Monday, April 16, 2007
School Details
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
I am not a fan of older folks. I clam up, I don't know what to say and I definitely don't know how to joke around with them. My 55 year old mother just moved into a Veteran's Home and I am having to face my fear of the elderly head on. She loves the people and wants to introduce me to them, wants me to sit and chat with them. I am uneasy, but getting used to it.
Recently I picked up the book by Jennifer Chiaverini, An Elm Creeks Quilt Sampler. Three novels all wrapped in one hard cover, it is the stories of many women (and their men). The women are of all different ages, yet they find a way to be friends and respect each other. The stories have made a deep impression on me. I want to talk with my mom about her story. I want to ask her the important questions so that I may begin to really know her as a woman, not just my mother. I want to talk to those old folks at the Veterans Home. I want to know their story. I've realized that a few good questions is all that's needed. I won't have to clam up, just listen as they reveal their story.
Back to the birthday. The kids all made grandpa a Happy Birthday banner that we taped to his cabinet door. They all pitched in and drew smiley faces, hearts, balloons and 4-wheelers. We took him a couple of bottles of red wine.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Divine Mercy Sunday

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Public Love Nuts
I became severely ill on Holy Thursday morning; it continued through Easter and all week. I am at about 50% right now. Yesterday the results finally came in and I have a bacterial infection caused by campylobacter. According to the Center for Disease Control the illness will run its course in 10 days or less. Well today is day 10; I am significantly better, but the diarrhea continues. (Excuse #2)