HOMESCHOOLING, HOMEMAKING & HOMESTEADING with a nod to Down syndrome awareness, cranberries, and large family Catholic life

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Last Day of Gym Class
In January, 12 weeks sounded like such a long time. Do I really want to commit to a weekly gym class? Baby Ray will have to nap on the run. We'll have to eat lunch early in order to get to the Y on time. The kids begged to sign-up, so hesitantly I wrote a check for $150.00 for three kids to attend Homeschool Gym Class. Today was the last class and boy am I sad. The kids loved Mr. Jason and had a blast playing kickball, basketball, using stretch bands, running races, swimming and playing in the Adventure Center. But, that's only half of the reason why I will miss gym class. I will miss my 1:00 Thursday date with three moms for our weekly walk and talk session. When it was -10 degrees F, we bundled up, when the wind was blowing fiercely, we wrapped our faces with scarves, when it started to drizzle, we just picked up our pace. And finally today when it was about 62 degrees F, we walked and talked like never before. See for 12 weeks us four moms walked as fast as we could and talked even faster about painting our bedrooms, what's for dinner, new jackets, reluctant readers, Bunko, spring break trips, thrift store shopping, wonders of having teenagers, wonders of having babies, husbands looking for new jobs, wives not wanting to move. I'm sad my 12 week commitment has come to an end. But blessed for the lovely talks we had. And like any good homeschooling mom we made plans to picnic in two weeks.
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Last Day of Gym Class
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