There's our boy in the red tie.
I could go on and on about yesterday. But none of my words could ever capture the excitement in Lee as he prepared for his First Holy Communion. I could not begin to explain how we both felt Saturday night as the buffet table was "coming together". The way he ran and jumped up on me wrapping his legs around me, hugging me so tight I almost gasped for air. I could not put into words how happily nervous he was for us to just get into the van and go. There are no words to describe how proudly he sat during Mass taking in every moment. The only explanation is Jesus was present, eagerly awaiting His time to become a part of Lee. Lee must of felt that presence.
Buffet Table(starting at the top of the photo)
Baked Ham in Crock-pot
Potato Rolls
Chicken Salad on Croissants
Mashed Potato Casserole in Black Roaster Pan
Homemade Apple Sauce
Homemade Cranberry Sauce
Fresh Veggies w/Dill Dip
Deviled Eggs
Fresh Fruit
Cinnamon Swirl Bread
Zucchini Chip Bread
Cranberry Bread